5 ways decision fatigue is causing you to be tired, out of shape and living on autopilot, and how to fix it.

When it comes to fatigue, low energy & performance, most only look at the usual suspects: sleep, exercise & diet. What people don’t see are the tiny habitual behaviors around decision making that deplete energy at rapid rates.

35,000 = average number of decisions made daily by business leaders & owners.

Your behavior around decision making will either keep you stuck in fatigue or power you forward. Look, juggling a demanding career or business without sacrificing your health is tough.

But if you want to get ahead, you must take an honest look at your decision-making behavior. If you want to change your energy, you have to see where you are working against yourself. Otherwise, you can continue to watch your success and sanity go down the drain.

Join us today to learn the five decision-making behaviors that cause you to be tired, out of shape and living on autopilot, and how to fix it with Adam Von Ins and Elea Faucheron.

Ready to stop coping and start conquering? Book a free call with us here: movethinksmile.com/talk