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Why Managers, HR & Business Owners are sayin':

"BurnOut. Meet BadAss."

...and how we’re turning employee stress into extraordinary engagement and productivity.
Okay, Eléa:
  • I'm responsible for the success of my team or employees.
  • Need your guys’ help, before burnout hits.
  • Please: Turn our hard work into extraordinary success!
  • Show me how to crush our obstacles with stress.
  • Reducing employee turnover.
  • And seriously boosting engagement.
  • By increasing our productivity, health & happiness.
  • I know it takes an investment.
  • That’s okay, I'm all about ROI.
  • And, I’d love to learn more.
Assuming all of that’s true?

"Is burnout chasing down your team?"

"My Ignite Talk at DISRUPT HR"

Stress is booming. Talent is Dying.

3 out of 4 working people suffer BurnOut

That's 1 away from everyone...

BurnOut literally sucks you health and money away.

BurnOut Sucks Your Health

3 out of 4 doctors visits are for ailments caused by stress. 48% feel their stress has increased in the last 5 years. Science now links Stress directly with major diseases like rapid again, heart attacks and cancer. Are you hitting the wall, or climbing over it?

BurnOut Sucks Your Productivity

People suffering from high stress levels have lower engagement, are less productive and have higher absenteeism levels at works than those not under excessive pressure. 60% of lost workdays each year can be attributed to stress. 

BurnOut Sucks
Your Cash

USA employers spend $300+ BILLION annually on stress related problems. That’s $20,000 per working person every year. If it costs companies this much, how much is it costing you?

BurnOut Sucks Your Energy

Stress fuels insomnia and depression. These two lovely issues zap your energy. By 2020 the World health organization says depression will surpass cancer and heart attacks in disability and death. Are you conquering stress, or is it crushing you?

The World Health Organization states stress IS the epidemic of the 21st century. And, while all this totally sucks, the good news is that science shows stress-related illness and diseases often revert when you turn bad stress (BurnOut) into good stress (BadAss).

Stress-related illness and missed work cost the U.S. economy $300 billion every year. This means chronic stress is costing you more than you think. BurnOut seriously sucks away your body, your brain, and your bank account!

Is your team going to hit the wall, or conquer it?
Melissa Gordan
So many of us are suffering BurnOut, and can’t even tell what’s going on, let alone find a way out. Totally exhausted, the pace of life and business is over the top. We’re simply too busy and are paying the price. Eléa is leading the charge to live with exuberance through her BadAss methodology. She clearly knows the terrain so well. Trust her leadership!

Melissa Gordon

Echelon Communicate President, Speak It Like You Mean It! ™ Creator

"How to beat stress..."

My partner made this based on my best selling book. It's like a Personal Pep Rally...a must watch!
If your employees are buying pinatas in bulk so they can beat the crap out of something then eat some candy, please:
Dr. Yusuf (JP) Saleeby
Eléa addresses a major cause of chronic illness much overlooked by conventional medicine. She takes a very introspective look at ''burnout’s” root causes. The functional and organic stressors impacting your health, and your ability to perform at work and at home. Eléa helps you identify BurnOut and gives you a roadmap to discovering BadAss.

Dr. JP Saleeby

MD, Carolina Holistic Medicine Founder

"Is stress hurting your company?"

How much is stress costing you company?

The World Health Organization states stress is the epidemic of the century.
Chronic Stress is major cause of health problems like rapid aging, heart attacks & cancer.
3 out 4 working people are suffering chronic stress. That means 75% of us are burning out.
77% report physical symptoms caused by stress.
73% regularly experience psychological symptoms caused by stress.
75% of doctors visits are for ailments caused by stress.
60% of missed work can be attributed to stress.
48% feel their stress has increased in the last 5 years.
Stress decreases productivity by attacking your cells and depleting your energy.
Bad stress fuels insomnia & depression.
By 2020, the World Health Organization predicts depression will be the leading cause for disability and death. This means bad Stress is becoming our #1 killer.
Dr. Sarah Ellis Duvall
Working with Eléa has changed my outlook on life and work into something I'm proud of. Whether it‘s making a difficult change, holding me accountable or simply shifting into a more positive mindset, a conversation with her makes it happen. Her guidance is gold. Book a call!

Dr. Sarah Ellis Duvall

PT, DPT, CPT, CNC, Core Exercise Solutions Founder

"Top Secret Training. . ."

A sneak peak into how we turn stressed employees into productive badasses!

"What happens when you go BadAss?"

When life gives your employees lemons, and they want to squeeze them into people's eyes, then:

Stress creates a chain reaction.

Even though we can land on the moon, clone sheep, and build a particle accelerator, we’re constantly baffled by HOW TO remove stress from our lives. The secret: you can’t. Your body needs stress to survive. The fix is turning your bad stress (BurnOut) into good stress (BadAss).

If you stay in a job you secretly loath, you’re choosing bad stress. If you decide to crush the obstacle in your path, you're choosing good stress. The chain reactions of bad stress start with elevated cortisol levels and inflammation, which lead to health issues of every kind. This wears us down from a cellular level on up to our major biological systems.

Stress is an obstacle we face constantly.
Are you conquering it, or is it killing you?

Stress Kills the Brain

Stress generates free radicals that destroy brain cells and stop the generation of new neurons. The stress hormone Cortisol creates glutamate, which then punches holes in brain cell walls causing them to die.

High stress levels make the blood-brain barrier leaky, which lets things in you don’t want like pathogens, heavy metals, chemicals, toxins, grumpy people, bad hair days, and drool.

Stress Kills the Heart

Stress changes in the way blood clots, which increases the risk of heart attack. According to the American Heart Association, stress influences heart health by high blood pressure as well promoting unhealthy self-medicating behaviors, like overeating, drinking and smoking.

Stress Kills Your Stomach

Chronic stress triggers painful gastrointestinal issues like IBS, which makes you more likely to suffer from stress-related psychiatric disorders, including anxiety and depression.

Stress Kills Your Youth

Telomeres are the caps at the end of each strand of DNA that protect our chromosomes, like the plastic tips at the end of shoelaces. Without the coating, shoelaces become frayed until they can no longer do their job. Stress does the same thing to our cells' telomeres. They become damaged and our cells can't do their job.

Stress wrinkles are real. So is rapid aging. When cells stop working properly, all kinds of nasty things can happen like ______ ( insert disease here ).

Stress Kills Your Immune System

Stress suppresses the immune system raising the risk of viral infection and other diseases. Once your body grows resistant to elevated cortisol levels caused by stress, the immune system goes down hill.

Stress Kills Your
Metabolic System

Fat. Fatter. Fattest.
That's what high cortisol levels do. They boost belly fat. Which, increases your risk for disease. And, that's bad.

Stress Kills Sleep

Yes. It's true. Unless you're getting 8-9 restful hours sleeping each night, your are either stressed, or you're stressing your body in a really bad way. In either case, things get bad fast.

The beauty of MOVE THINK SMILE is that it's actionable. You feel like you're getting tangible steps that you can implement immediately to transform your life. Eléa has lived this and her courage and wisdom shines through everywhere. If you're ready to level up your company, schedule a call with them.

Robbin Jorgensen

Founder & CEO, Women Igniting Change

you may have met us here

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If your employees feel an apple a day keeps anyone away when they throw it hard enough, you should definitely:
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